Archive News from 2019

The Urras Oighreachd Chàrlabhaigh AGM will be on 27th November at 7pm in Carloway School Annex.
Notices have gone out to all members with nomination forms for directors - we currently have a board of twelve elected directors, six of them will be stepping down but may seek re-election through the nomination process. If more than six nominations are received, members of the trust will be asked to vote on who will fill the vacancies, via postal ballot. Elections to the board take place every two years, with directors elected to serve a four-year term. Anyone who wishes to be elected as a director must complete this form with the support of a proposer and seconder.
To be eligible to be a nominee, a proposer, a seconder or a voter (if there is an election) a person must be a member of the trust.
Completed nomination forms must be returned no later than 5pm on Wednesday 30th October. If you would like to become a member or find out more about being a director, please get in touch.

The Community LED by Energy Champions project is being run by two Community Land Trusts working in partnership to offer free support to residents of both Carloway Estate and Galson Estate on the Isle of Lewis


Dùn Chàrlabhaigh
Doune Carloway Broch is one of the best preserved Brochs in Scotland and is a site of national and international significance. Urras Oighreachd Chàrlabhaigh are working with partners including Urras nan Tursachan to consider how the Broch site could be improved or developed. The work of the Outer Hebrides Trust and initiatives such as the Hebridean Way provide a context for the Carloway Broch being an obvious priority for development and it both fits within the Trust’s strategic plan and has support from the local community.
Community Enterprise have been engaged, through Highlands and Islands Enterprise, to support Urras Oighreachd Chàrlabhaigh to pull together a strategic plan for the Broch site and we are keen that those with an interest in this idea have the opportunity to contribute their thoughts.
If you have any ideas, please feel free to send them direct to Douglas at Community Enterprise ( or 01506 862227). We will also be holding a meeting of those interested in tourism and the Broch site on Wednesday 5th June at 4pm in Carloway School Annex. If you would like to attend, please contact Sally Reynolds ( or 01851 64381) to reserve a place.

The Community LED by Energy Champions project is being run by two Community Land Trusts working in partnership to offer free support to residents of both Carloway Estate and Galson Estate on the Isle of Lewis

Dalmore to Garynahine
Full-Time: 37 hours per week
Salary: £25,000
Fixed Term (1st April 2019 to 31 March 2021)